The world of dating has changed significantly with the sudden popularity of the Internet and dating sites. For thousands of years, we humans were meeting our romantic partners in real life not on a computer screen. This is why we developed so many non-verbal cues that helped us through this sometimes difficult and scary process. Just imagine the importance of a single smile or a look and you’ll know what we mean. Nonetheless, the times have changed and we must change with them. This means we should join online dating platforms and accept that this is simply the way things are now. However, there’s a huge problem with those sites.
Most of the main dating platforms are really not good for Herpes dating. This is why we recommend you use dating sites specifically created for this purpose. If you’re wondering what some of those sites are just check out our list of Best Herpes Dating Sites. Almost all of them are free to join including the biggest one HSV Kiss. With that out of the way, it’s finally time to start composing that perfect first message. You should start with the usual greeting like hi or hello. Something to break the ice gently. You should follow this up with an activity you engaged in prior to writing this message.

Perhaps you went to the bank or a grocery store. Maybe you watched this really cool television show or a true crime documentary. This part makes you feel relatable and opens you up to all sorts of questions. Maybe the other person also watched something interesting or both of you were stuck in traffic. And if you didn’t do anything, that’s okay too. It’s important, to be honest, and be honest straight away. The next segment of the message is the most important one. You should mention something you like about that other person. A smile, dress, maybe something they wrote in their bio.
Something that made you initially write to them. And keep things general, you don’t want to get bogged down in specifics. For example, you should tell them that you noticed something in the background of an image or that you like their toes. We already said that it’s important, to be honest, but maybe keep this part for a later time. It could be your cute little story of how you hooked up. Finally, you should end your message with a simple question that’s easy to answer. A good example is how long have you been on this site or are you from that city/state originally? And that’s it, you’re ready to send your first perfect message on a herpes dating site!